Clan Magner
Magner Family History & Genealogy

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        Images require a great deal of web space.  Keep them to a minimum.  Save your image in a "gif" format and try to reduce your image to a size of height=200 and width=350.  To preserve space, your images may have to be reduced again.


        All Magner related family trees will be posted on the web site at no charge.  Follow your software directions to copy your descendent chart to a word processing program.  The chart should save in an RTF format and you can email this to us as a file attachment.  Please include your email address.  For privacy reasons, do NOT include information about any persons living without their permission.


       Each software program is slightly different.  Be sure when you copy your file - you copy ALL formats including paragraph, headers, footers, footnotes, spacing, italics, bold, etc.      If you do not follow the correct copy procedures, when your file is converted to html for the web site,  it will appear VERY different.  Most microsoft programs will convert to a web page.  Other programs will not.

    Example: open your file in Netscape Composer to see how it looks.

        We can not copy footnotes that do not exist nor formats that are not copied in a correct fashion.  We do not have time to retype and reformat your information.  YOU must enter YOUR new information.  Save your text files on your word processor program, and then save the file  in an RTF format.  Save your table or spreadsheet files in the same manner.  Send your files in the RTF format to the webmaster.    If you have questions, send them by email.  Table files from excel, etc. look great, but they take up a large amount of space.

        Keep your files BELOW 50k.  If you have long files, divide them into 40k to 50k files and send them.  Example:   pages 1-10 = file a; pages 11-20 = file b.  We can link all of your files together with the same topic.


        Load times are critical.  Yahoo loads in six seconds at 28.8k.  Many do not have ISDN or 56k connect speeds, and they will NOT wait two to three minutes for a page to load.  We want our pages to load in LESS than 30 seconds.  Graphics and animations may look great, but estimates indicate 90% will not wait to see them on the page.  Many excellent genealogy sites take too long to load and are never viewed. Websitegarage indicates a 50% loss in viewers for pages that take OVER 20 seconds to load.   


        Netscape and Explorer give slightly different views of each web site.  We use Explorer.  Our suggestion is to download each browser to view pages.


       Your submission  may not appear on the Magner Family Website for one to four days.  Be sure to hit reload or refresh to view changes.  Phone lines, ISP, server and web traffic will impact changes on the site.


        We are here to help, and  we value your information. 
 Help us make the Magner Web Site a great resource on the web.  Thanks.

Contact:   Webmaster: R. Magner Knowles


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Web site established:  August 25, 1998.    Site designed, hosted and owned by Ronald Magner Knowles.  Problems with this site should be addressed to: webmaster  Copyright 1990-2007:  © RMK Research.  All rights reserved.  A link to this site would be appreciated, but NO photos, text  or information   may be copied  without prior written permission.   Any infringement will be subject to legal action. Disclaimer  

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